Sony has postponed the release of Returnal on the PlayStation 5

Sony has postponed the release of Returnal on the PlayStation 5
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Sony, the Japanese company for the electronics industry and the owner of the most famous game platform in the world (PlayStation), surprisingly announced in cooperation with Housemarque Studio their decision to postpone its exclusive game for the PlayStation 5 (Returnal) by more than a month.

This is in order to give game developers the greatest opportunity to continue working on the game and deliver it to the quality that players expect from game developers.

Sony has postponed the release of Returnal on the PlayStation 5 1

So that it was clarified that the game Returnal will be launched from the third-person perspective on the 30th of April for the current year 2021, according to what was stated in the special tweet of the Japanese publisher.

Whereas, Returnal was supposed to be launched on March 19, exclusively on the PlayStation 5.

The Returnal game was revealed for the first time last June during the unveiling of the PlayStation 5 for the first time, highlighting the exclusive game package for PlayStation 5.

And the work of a huge new version of Resogun was also revealed during the event, which is one of the most important and largest The games that the developer Housemarque worked on, after their success on the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4.

Sony has postponed the release of Returnal on the PlayStation 5 3

About the PlayStation 5 (Returnal) exclusive

Returnal is a third-person shooter and action game that will be launched exclusively on PlayStation 5, and it’s kind of Rogue Like, where you find yourself on an alien planet that moves in constantly iterating episodes to repeat the game’s events in a new and different world.

And in it, the heroine of the game named “Celine” tries to break this episode and uncover the mysterious secret about this strange world.

Through the events of the game, Celine discovers that the world around her is constantly changing, forcing you to change your gameplay and combat style continuously, which adds more fun and enthusiasm.

So that the events of the game revolve around “Celine”, who is constantly searching in the barren atmosphere of an ancient civilization in an attempt to escape and survive. She is defeated repeatedly and every time she is forced to continue her journey of survival.

And the dark beauty of the deteriorating world around you adds more shocking and powerful surprises, thanks to the use of amazing visual effects, which make the game look real and full of life.

The mysterious and detailed world of Returnal, which is based on continuously repeating the gameplay, invites you to dust yourself, face defeat and enter new and advanced challenges with each time you return to life in the game, between more twists and difficult rounds in contrasting environments that are harsh, to discover this The world is around you as you fight on an arduous journey in which mystery haunts you from every angle.

Sony has postponed the release of Returnal on the PlayStation 5 5

Returnal exclusive game features on the Playstation 5

  1. The game’s events are fun and the storytelling way is great, as the player retrieves an extract from the memory with the heroine of the game “Celine” during her journey to survival and search for the secret of the game.
  2. The game features an amazing exploration feature through a constant search for resources and equipment every time the character dies and comes back to life.
  3. The battles in the game are characterized by violence and excitement in an attempt to survive, from the perspective of the third person, and facing the enemies in an exciting battle full of action and shooting appearances.

In summary, the Returnal game will be available on April 30, 2021, exclusively on the PlayStation 5 device.

You can get the game by purchasing PlayStation cards for both the Saudi and American store from AR Pay in various price categories, which provides you with the best prices for PlayStation prepaid cards in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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