Information about League of Legends and 9 top tips for beginners

Information about League of Legends and 9 top tips for beginners
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The League of Legends game has recently been very popular all over the world, especially the Asian continent, in addition to its widespread popularity in the Arab world. And that spread is due to the recent strong updates in the game, which made it suitable for phones with all their systems.

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League of Legends game story

League of Legends game revolves around two parties or two groups competing to destroy the other team so that each match includes both teams and each team consists of 5 members. A single match lasts from 20 to 60 minutes, and it is possible for any of the two teams to surrender after the first 15 minutes of the match, provided that all members of the team or at least 4 members only agree to the decision to surrender and withdraw.

The players in the game are distributed according to the places, and the places are divided and classified as follows:

First: Top
This place is reserved for the heroes who are able to hit and are rated Fighter, Assassin, or Tank.

Second: The Jungle
This place is reserved for heroes who feed on monsters in the jungle and who help other areas.

Third: Mid
The middle is assigned to highly skilled heroes, who are often in magic, while their stamina is very weak.

Fourth: Support
This place is reserved for the assistant, whose role is to protect the person who strikes from afar and is at the bottom.

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Fifth: Adc
This place is for the person who feeds on small monsters until he grows up, thus he is the strongest in the team and is responsible for the team winning or losing.

So how is the game going and how does one team beat the other team? In the beginning, each team possesses 11 constellations, 3 small gems, and 1 large jewel. If all that is required to win the match is to destroy the big jewel of the opposing team, in order to be able to win at the end of the League of Legends game, and this is done by smashing the towers and small gems.

And if you want to start the game of League of Legends and feel confused, given the large amount of information that you must know before starting to play. Don’t worry, we will offer some important tips that will help you on your long journey while playing League of Legends.

Tips for League of Legends beginners

1- Experience more than one champion at a time and enter into many duels with them
Playing in more than one match at the same time is one of the best ways to help you learn the game of League of Legends and get to know a specific champion.

2- Knowing the basics of the map and the locations
You must understand the main foundations in League of Legends and the different locations in the map, as the map consists of 3 lanes, which are top, middle and bottom. Which determines your position or place on the team is the hero that you chose and the specific part that you chose on the map.

3- Always pay attention to the small map
Keeping attention and focus on maps is essential in League of Legends. In addition to watching what is happening next to you, you should also follow up important events that happen far away, in order to avoid surprising one of your enemies or not to intervene to help your team during a difficult fight.
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4- Master the shortcut keys in League of Legends
There are specific keys for some of the important shortcuts in the game that you must memorize and use while playing League of Legends, as follows:

◄ The keys to your four base abilities: Q, W, E, and R
◄ You can increase the level of these abilities without the need to press the plus sign by pressing Ctrl + Q, W, E, R
◄ Summoner magic of keys F, D
◄ You can stop everything you do with the S key
◄ You can point the camera at your hero with the spacebar.
◄ You can send a ping to your teammates with the G-key
◄ You can summon or remotely transmit to the base via key B.

5- Knowing the items you want to buy before playing
You should plan before you start playing and know what items you want to purchase, as you will be more comfortable knowing the nuances of your favorite heroes.

6- Knowing the language of League of Legends and understanding its terminology
One of the most important things that will help you progress in the game greatly is understanding the basic terms in the game, including:

◄ creep score or cs which means the number of minions you have killed while playing.
◄ crowd control, or cc, abilities that reduce the ability of opponents’ champions to enter combat.
◄ out of mana or room is often written as a justification in order to stop some accusations.

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7- You have to stay behind the minions

The minions are like pillows that will protect you from any harm coming on you, so you have to let them enter the battlefield as they absorb a lot of the damage that may befall you.

8- You have to survive even the longest time
In the event that you get killed while playing, the player who killed you will be able to get a portion of gold and experience, which will make him grow stronger, and in the meantime, you will only have to wait to return to play. So don’t treat death in League of Legends as simple. Thus, resorting to withdrawal in the event that you are exposed to dangerous situations that are difficult to escape from is a more rational matter.

9- Learn how to get the last hit
Whereas, waiting and watching your hero attack your enemies automatically in League of Legends does not give you the automatic attack advantage. So you have to focus to get the final blow and kill the enemy and get the highest rewards of gold and experience.

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